So I've been 1 1/2 to 2 cm dilated for about 2 weeks now. I've stopped working out because I didn't want this baby girl to come to early, but now that I'm full term, I think I'm ready! My maternity shirts are getting too short and I don't have a lot of winter maternity clothes, so she needs to come soon. I definitely do not remember the other pregnancies being like this one-I just feel incapable of movement! I think all my muscles have turned to mush and I am just a squishy blob now. If someone asked me to jump off the ground, I might not be able to! Therefore, I am dreading getting back into shape. With the cold weather, the time change, the sleepless nights, and not to mention three kids to take on walks/run, it's going to be interesting to say the least. As I walk around now, I feel as if my water is going to break any minute. I can feel her much lower than any of the others as I get pressure in my lower back and rear end a lot.
As far as naming this girly goes, I'd say I'm down to about 10-15 and Adam really only likes "Bevan." I like Elle, Willow, Adler, Rowen, Rory, and a few more so we'll see. If I leave it up to the boys, it would be Jezebel or something crazy. Aubrey doesn't really get it and probably won't until the baby is here in my arms and she wants to be. She still likes me to hold her a lot so it should be interesting to see how she transitions into a big sister.
Aubrey has become quite the big girl lately as she is now Potty trained for the most part. When we go to church or out for a while, I like to put a diaper on b/c you never know where the closest bathroom will be. I almost gave up on her potty training as it had been a week and seemed like nothing was working until one day it just clicked. She is getting much better at #2 as well. I'm hoping we don't have too much of a set back when she stays with the inlaws when the baby is born. I think we'll have a bigger set back with her sleeping routine as some people like to rock her to sleep and I cannot do that all the time. She doesn't sleep as well and it takes to long. I can't believe she is almost two! She thinks she is as old as the boys and wants to do everything they do, even if it's taking her shirt off to wrestle like them. She also repeats everything anyone says and loves to tell others "Shh! Quiet!" yet she is constantly yelling. I thought the boys were loud talkers, but she puts them to shame. She is the sweetest girl when she wants to be and gives great hugs and kisses. She adores her brothers and lights up each time she sees them. She loves her daddy too and loves to sit on his face. I don't know how it started, but that is her favorite wresting move!
Tatum recently turned 4 in September and wants to be five so he can go to school. He gets jealous of all the fun things Brody talks about from school each day. He is growing and learning so much though. He has an immense love of reading which is getting passed onto Aubrey since I read with him so much that she sits and listens as well. Therefore, his vocabulary and imagination are extensive. He likes to ask the most random questions at the most random times. I ofter wonder what he is thinking in the head of his. Sometimes its funny and makes me laugh at the connections he draws. He is a very sweet boy who has great patience to put up with Brody's bossiness and Aubrey having to get her way all the time. He loves to color, ride his bike, wrestle, play blind willie, and play outside but also loves to watch movies and eat junk food. . I love to watch him run as he runs with his arms straight down by his side. He is pretty quick though. This summer we started to teach him to swim w/o floaties, but only a bit. We'll definitely try to do more next summer (if we are still in this house) as it will be me alone with four little ones at the pool. . . we may not go swimming too much until Adam gets home from work. Brody would go everyday though. For Tatum's bday, we went to Tannehill state park, rode bikes around, and cooked dinner on the fire. It was so enjoyable as all the kids were older and could walk around and eat on their own. It will be hard starting over again, but they grow up so quick.
Brody has grown up quick and has always acted rather mature for his age. Today we all went to eat lunch with him as he earned the "Star Student" award for honesty this month. As we were leaving hime, he gave Aubrey a kiss goodbye buy told Tatum not to kiss him, just hug him. It was both funny and sad as they learn so quickly about what should be accepted by their peers and to act in certain ways as to not get teased. He has only gone from green down to yellow all year and loves school. For a boy who would cry back in May when we would talk about him going to school, he has shown dramatic improvements. He wants to go to school even on the weekends! He loves to learn but especially loves the social side of things. He has also been chosen as one of only two kids from his class to be a bell ringer for the school choir's Christmas program. He is very bright and very sensitive, we just have to remind him to obey the first time as he thinks he know best sometimes. We also have to remind him not to boss Tatum around as much because he can often persuade Tatum so he gets what he wants. He will be a big help when the baby comes to help distract Aubrey and Tatum into fun new games when he gets home. He will want to be very involved and carry the baby around everywhere, but we may have to wait a bit for that. He loves to try to pick Aubrey up and carry her and she usually thinks it's fun.
Adam is still at BCBS despite getting job offers elsewhere. The pay would have been better, but so not worth in after factoring the increase in healthcare premiums, stress levels, work time, and traveling. He likes where he is there is just not much room for advancement since people work there forever. He is still in the bishopric as well at first counselor. He makes me laugh how his priorities and activities have changed as he has gotten older(he's thirty now!) He once only focused on college sports, specifically Football. Don't get me wrong-he still loves his college football. Now he is also consumed with politics and the stock market, and church academics. I have followed a bit and since become more informed in the news/politics since that is all that is the tv lately but I do still love a good DIY channel. I guess I consume myself with sewing/crafting/decorating know how that I don't dedicate as much time as I should to my spiritual side. Like this blog. . . I originally wanted to update at least once a week if not everyday, but that has so not happened. I will try to do better as I think it is a great tool to keep track of our families history.
Anxiously awaiting-Liz